Akashic Records Readings & Coaching Sessions
In your Akashic Records reading, access to your records is opened and honoured with a sacred prayer. A dialogue then unfolds led by your personal questions which extracts the available relevant information from your records. Details about your past may or may not come forward depending upon their relevance to your present situation. The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past and future present into our NOW.
Topics referred to in the Akashic Records
• Spiritual development and growth
• Life path
• Relationship and the relationship dynamics with family and friends
• Recurring patterns and behaviours
• Recurring dreams
• Effects / influences from previous lives
• Influences from other people and areas of life
• Soul tasks
• Creative expression
• Health and prosperity

Hannah's commitment to you is her preparation and openness in saying what comes directly from the Masters and Teachers who look after your records. She is guided by your questions, intentions and comments and intends to be as authentic as possible and all information that is passed on to you is held in strict confidentiality.
Hannah qualified as an Akashic Records Consultant (Levels 1&2) in 2019, and as an Advanced Consultant (Levels 3&4) in 2023 through Meike Schröder using the Gabrielle Orr method.
Readings are available both in-person and online via Zoom.us. For online apoointments, a recording will also be made for you.